Winning The War Against Toxicity

Research consistently shows that almost everyone worldwide has measurable levels of environmental chemicals in their bodies, like heavy metals, BPA, and pesticides. These substances are found in common products we use every day. Furthermore, evidence suggests that these chemicals, known as 'endocrine disrupting chemicals' (EDCs), are linked to various health issues such as obesity, diabetes, reproductive disorders, hormone-related cancers, thyroid problems, and neurodevelopmental disorders.

Toxins are substances (e.g. chemicals found in cosmetic products, cleaning products, and pesticides) that cause harm or damage to the body by disrupting its normal function.

Commonly Encountered Toxins

Toxins can negatively impact our health in a variety of ways, some examples include:

• Competing with the minerals our bones require for structure and strength.

• Damaging or interfering with DNA, increasing the rate of cell ageing and organ dysfunction.

• Interfering with normal brain chemical and hormonal balance, leading to ‘brain fog’, mood disturbances, and reproductive issues, such as infertility.

• Impairing the liver’s ability to neutralise, metabolise, and eliminate harmful substances, compromising the detoxification and removal of these substances from the body.

What you can do

Some foods are more pesticide-laden than others, so it’s important to clean these foods thoroughly prior to eating them, or buy organic. Wash all non-organic produce before cooking or consuming. Soak hard skinned fruit and vegetables for 15 minutes in apple cider vinegar (ratio of 50 mL per 500 mL) and baking soda (ratio of 1 tablespoon per 500 mL) with the skin on before rinsing and eating.

It's worth noting that some farmers will offer 'spray free' produce at farmers markets. I typically visit the Freo Farmers Market on Sunday at the Bruce Lee Oval in Beaconsfield to get ‘spray-free’ produce.

Here is the Environmental Working Groups Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen:

Make your own DIY natural all-purpose cleaner


  • 1 cup vinegar

  • 1 cup distilled water

  • 1 tablespoon baking soda

    10 drops of your choice of essential oils (tea tree, eucalyptus, lemon, lemongrass, lavender, peppermint, grapefruit and/or orange)


    1. 1  Measure out the ingredients.

    2. 2  Combine in a spray top bottle.

    3. 3  Shake to mix thoroughly before use.

Do an inventory of your personal care products. This includes all skin lotions, creams, moisturisers, facial cleansers, body wash, soaps, body spray, shampoos, conditioners, treatments, hair dye, deodorants, makeup products, fragrances, and nail polishes and remover you use. Ensure the ingredients are derived from nature not synthetic, or petroleum-based. The less ingredients listed, the better.

Consider downloading the Yuka app. We use this app a lot in our house to avoid excessive toxin exposure. Personally, I use the Woohoo deodorant paste and wash with natural castille soap infused with essential oils. I don’t have any hair, so shampoo is not really on my radar!

There are more than 220 chemicals detectable in Australian drinking water, plus 35 added wastewater treatment chemicals, including chlorine, fluoride, and aluminium

So you may want to Invest in a water filter (e.g. reverse osmosis, distillation, seven or eight stage ceramic, activated carbon, or alkaline ioniser) to remove impurities from tap water, including sediment, taste and odour, hardness, and bacteria. If installing a filter is not possible, consider a ceramic water purifier that can sit on your kitchen bench. We installed a PureTec whole house filtration system, and we know when it’s time to change the filters because the taste of the water takes a nosedive. If you want a detailed analysis on your water, I can provide you with the test. Just flick me a direct message.

How do I detox?

Detoxification is your body's natural way of getting rid of toxins from your environment, food, and even ones your body makes. It converts these toxins into less harmful substances that are then expelled from your body. Feeling tired, inflamed, having allergies, skin issues, reproductive issues, or trouble losing weight can be signs that your body is dealing with too many toxins or is struggling to resist their effects.

Key ingredients for detoxification


This nutrient-rich sea vegetable has been used in traditional Western herbal medicine to alkalise the body, increasing the detox capacity of elimination organs such as the kidneys, thereby supporting optimal detoxification. Spirulina has also been shown to have a novel ability to promote heavy metal elimination.

Larch arabinogalactans

This soluble dietary fibre has prebiotic activity, supporting the growth of healthy bacterial flora which can neutralise toxins in their own right. Restoring healthy gut flora is also essential to improve gastrointestinal function and minimise digestive symptoms.


Another significant amino acid that helps soothe and protect the lining of the gastrointestinal tract to minimise absorption of toxins, including those created by your own gut bacteria. Improving the integrity of the gastrointestinal lining will also result in reduced digestive symptoms.

Amino acids

A low reactive protein source, such as non GMO pea protein, provides amino acids which are essential components of liver detoxification as they bind to and neutralise toxins, allowing for their removal from the body. Specific amino acids including cysteine and glycine, are also required for the synthesis of glutathione (an important cellular antioxidant).

Milk thistle

Used in traditional Western herbal medicine for its role in protecting liver cells and supporting normal liver function, this herb may also support the regeneration of liver tissue.

Green tea

A potent antioxidant to help protect cells against the damaging effects of toxins. It also helps to stimulate enzymes involved in liver detoxification allowing for more effective toxin removal.

Get in touch

If you want a personalised detoxification plan, it’s best to book in and we can troubleshoot how to reduce the incoming toxic load and improve your detox capacity.

Hope that helps!

Let me know if you want any further info the comments below


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