
Inc. Allergies, Autoimmunitiy  

The immune system is usually well-equipped to swiftly deal with exposure to pathogens, often before they have a chance to cause symptoms. However, it can often become overwhelmed and perform sub-optimally nowadays, resulting in frequent illnesses and immune complications.

Fortunately, there are tons of therapeutic options available that can enhance and strengthen the immune system once we have determined the underlying cause.



We will always be exposed to pathogens from the environment to some degree. Therefore, we must work from within and increase the inherent resilience of the immune system through well- chosen nutrition and lifestyle interventions, so it becomes better able to defend us properly.

Low immunity can have many causes, including: stress, poor sleep, high carbohydrate diet, high exposure to microbes, low intake of vitamins (A, C, D, zinc, selenium), poor digestion and gut microflora, medications...

If one or more of the following bullet points applies to you, it may be an indication that your immune system needs strengthening

  • I’m often ill, picking up infections easily and/or finding it hard to shake them off (flu, cold sores etc.).

  • When I’m ill, I get swollen lymph nodes (e.g. lumps in neck, under arms) or tonsils.

  • I have been prescribed antibiotics multiple times and/or have taken/take immunosuppressants.

  • I work indoors, have low sunlight exposure on skin (live in a cold country, cover up, always use strong sunscreen etc.).

  • I visit/work in places where there are infections (e.g. hospitals, health centres, nurseries, schools).

  • I had a severe infection such as pneumonia, chicken pox/ shingles, and/or glandular fever in the past.

If any of this sounds familiar, help is at hand!

Allergies and Intolerances

Food allergies and sensitivities are recognized to be correlated with many chronic health conditions, but with proper identification and elimination of offending foods, many experience relief from their symptoms. Choosing the right assessment panel can serve as a useful tool to identify triggering foods.