Longevity and Optimisation

Ageing in itself is not a disease but it strongly increases the chances of suffering from a chronic disease. It is currently estimated that that our genetic code contributes around 25% to the rate of ageing in an individual, whereas dietary, lifestyle and environmental factors make up the remaining 75%. These factors have a much larger bearing on ageing due to their influence on

  • Inflammageing: oxidative stress and inflammation drive ageing and chronic disease.

  • Mitochondrial dysfunction: impaired energy production and mitochondrial damage drive ageing and chronic disease.

  • Genomic instability: DNA damage, impaired DNA repair mechanisms and/or altered gene expression (via epigenetic changes) drive ageing and chronic disease.


Organic Acid Test

The Organic Acids Test is one of the most utilised tests in functional medicine, and for good reason. Having a broad screen of how the various energy-enhancing/depleting systems are operating in your body can save a lot of time and pinpoint areas of focus to get you up and running again.

This test looks at over seventy different markers including:

  • Key vitamins and minerals

  • Markers for oxidative stress

  • Key markers necessary for energy production

  • The detoxification system

  • The antioxidant system

  • Bacterial dysbiosis and yeast markers

  • Methylation markers

The Organic Acids Test is a simple, non-invasive, at home urine test that gives a great deal of information.

Comprehensive DNA Wellness Profile

The ‘My Comprehensive Wellness Profile’ analyses over 40 genetic markers known to impact metabolism, exercise and energy use within the human body. The test examines specific genetic markers to give you personal insight about how your body processes sugars, fats, vitamins and nutrients. The final laboratory report includes a detailed analysis on how your body responds to exercise based upon your genetics. By providing an individualised road-map of strategies and recommendations, our testing guides you towards optimal health.

The Comprehensive Wellness test will assist you with information about:

  • Diet

  • Eating Behaviour Traits

  • Nutritional Needs

  • Exercise

  • Body and Weight

  • Overall Health and Wellness

From this report you can then:

  • Promote Behavioural Changes with Your Personalized Genetic Nutrition and Fitness Profile

  • Gain Insight into Your Health and Wellness

  • Make Proactive Decisions Regarding Diet, Exercise & Lifestyle

TruAge Test

Comprehensive analysis of methylation markers to learn about ageing and health. 

  • Provides information on physical age (epigenetic age) as opposed to chronological age, including steps on how to reduce overall ageing. 

  • Patient report continuously updated to reflect new findings on genes and related health conditions. 

Our epigenetic clock is the most accurate measurement of biological age and age-related disease risk.  

Epigenetic aging can be reversed, so it is crucial to understand DNA methylation changes, so we can apply changes to our lifestyles to reduce the risk of disease and death.  

Each cell in our body chooses to turn on some genes and turn others off. This is called ‘expression’, and it is controlled by the markers measured in this test.  

Unfortunately, as we age, expression can become much harder to regulate. The genes which should be expressed aren’t regulated as well and functional problems start to arise in the body. In fact, aging is defined as the progressive loss of function as we age.  

This test reports how old your cells and DNA look. In other words, you can measure how likely you are to develop disease or how long you might live.