Treatment for IBS

Navigating through life with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a silent battle, with each day presenting a gauntlet of physical discomfort and emotional upheaval. The chronic pain, unpredictable bowel habits, and the stealthy anxiety of potential flare-ups invisibly taint everyday life, often leading to every meal becoming a potential issue.

Unlock Wellness with PersonaliSed Nutrition

One way to free yourself from the perpetual IBS battle is through a meticulously crafted, personalised nutrition plan from our seasoned Perth Nutritionist. Brady delivers an initial consultation that delves into your unique IBS journey, forming a foundation upon which a tailor-made nutrition strategy is designed. It’s more than a diet plan; it’s your roadmap to mitigated IBS complexities and a reclamation of life’s joys, designed uniquely for you.


Choose a Consultation Package That Suits You To Begin Your Personalised Nutritional Journey.

To effectively treat your IBS, we need to conduct an initial consultation to best plan for your specific needs.

Option 1


10 minute call

More information about what you get with the initial consult. No medical advice.

Option 2


Initial consult

Diving Deep with a 60 minute, in-depth exploration into your IBS issues, tests and nutrition plan.

Option 3

$70 -$100

Follow up consult

Consistent guidance for your personalised IBS treatment plan..

All consults are by default zoom consultations (or by phone). If you live within 10-15 km of Hilton, I will be available to make a house visit.

Cancellation policy. Due to the time invested in looking at your initial forms prior to the consultation, any cancellation 48 hrs before the scheduled consult will result in $50 charge. However, this fee can be later used for any future consultation. 

Hear From Recent Clients

Looking To Treat IBS Through Better Gut Health?

One of the best ways to reduce IBS through improving your gut health is to get a good look at what is going on in there. This can be done via a stool test. It’s not essential to do a stool test in order to fix gut dysfunction, but it can certainly speed up the process in most cases.

This test screens for many functional markers, including:

  • Parasites/Worms

  • Inflammatory and autoimmune-related bacteria

  • Fungi/Yeast

  • Bacterial Pathogens

  • Viral Pathogens

  • Beneficial Bacteria

Questions About Treating IBS?

  • Irritable Bowel syndrome (IBS) is understood to be a multifactorial condition with a variety of factors contributing to expression of the disease. In many cases it manifests as a muscular, functional disturbance of the bowel.

    While there is no cure for IBS, there are several treatment approaches aimed at managing symptoms effectively and improving a person's overall well-being.

    Common symptoms include:

    • Abdominal pain or discomfort.

    • Altered bowel habits: constipation or diarrhoea or alternating.

    • Mucus discharge.

    • Sensations of bloating, urgency or incomplete evacuation.

    Factors such as altered bowel motility, visceral hypersensitivity, psychological dysfunction, genetic factors, imbalance in neurotransmitters, infection and inflammation may lead to the development and maintenance of symptoms of IBS.

    A combination of bitter and carminative botanical extracts, including dandelion, meadowsweet, gentian, lemon balm, cinnamon and ginger can enhance digestive secretions, soothe digestive discomfort, support gastric motility, and reduce mucosal inflammation and visceral hypersensitivity in IBS.

    Here's a detailed overview of treatment options for IBS:

    Dietary Modifications:

    Dietary changes often play a crucial role in managing IBS. Patients may benefit from identifying trigger foods and eliminating or reducing them from their diet. Common triggers include certain carbohydrates (FODMAPs), caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, and fatty foods. A low-FODMAP diet, for instance, has shown effectiveness in reducing IBS symptoms for many individuals. Identification of symptoms triggers in response to dietary intake is the first step in identifying food groups/compounds that exacerbate IBS symptoms. Following a low FODMAP diet for three weeks has been shown to reduce IBS symptom severity. A diet low in FODMAPs is considered low in gluten, a protein which is often associated with IBS symptoms

    Fibre Supplements:

    For some individuals with IBS, increasing fibre intake can help manage symptoms, particularly if they struggle with constipation. Soluble fibre supplements like PHGG, FOS, and Psyllium husk, can aid in regulating bowel movements and reducing overall gastrointestinal discomfort.


    Reduce physical symptoms of stress through regular relaxation and exercise, including activities that involve progressive muscle relaxation and breathing control (yoga, Pilates, meditation), and cardio exercise.

    Guided meditations, including specific sessions that concentrate on anxiety, stress, sleep and focus are recommended.

    Breathing exercises that engage mindful diaphragmatic breathing work to modulate the influence of the stress response can also be useful.

    Vagal nerve stimulation – slowing the breath from our typical 12 to 20 breaths per minute to 5 to 7 breaths per minute - can help balance the stress response provide relief to IBS sufferers.


    • Antispasmodics: These medications help relax the muscles in the gut, easing abdominal pain and cramping.

    • Laxatives: In cases of IBS with constipation, laxatives can help regulate bowel movements. Movicol or Miralax have a good long-term safety profile.

    • Antidiarrheal medications: These are beneficial for individuals with IBS-D (diarrhoea-predominant) to reduce frequent bowel movements and urgency.

    • Probiotics: Certain probiotics, like Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus strains, may provide relief from IBS symptoms by promoting a healthy gut microbiome.

    Testing options

    Undertaking a comprehensive stool test (Complete Microbiome Mapping) can help highlight dysfunctional elements within the gut, expediting the recovery process.

    Food allergy testing (ALCAT) to uncover potential food allergies or intolerances can often lead to a reduction in symptom severity.

    Hydrogen breath test. Screening for SIBO, fructose malabsorption or lactose intolerance. Breath hydrogen increases from fermentation of poorly absorbed carbohydrates in the intestinal tract

    Patient Education and Support:

    Providing patients with education about IBS, including understanding triggers and managing symptoms, is crucial. It's important for individuals with IBS to work closely with a Nutritionist to develop a personalised nutrition treatment plan tailored to their specific symptoms and needs. A multidisciplinary approach that combines dietary adjustments, stress management, and lifestyle modifications often yields the best outcomes for managing IBS effectively.

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a chronic condition, which means it persists for an extended period, often for a person's lifetime. Without any form of treatment or management, IBS symptoms can wax and wane over time, varying in intensity and frequency. The duration and severity of IBS symptoms can be influenced by various factors, including an individual's lifestyle, diet, stress levels, and overall health. Here's a closer look at how IBS may progress without treatment:

    Fluctuating Symptoms:

    IBS symptoms can come and go, with periods of relative symptom relief followed by flare-ups. These can last for days, weeks, or even months without intervention.

    Chronic Nature:

    IBS is considered a chronic condition because it typically persists over the long term. It's rare for IBS symptoms to completely resolve on their own without any form of management or treatment. However, nutritional therapeutics and specific functional testing can both help to resolve IBS symptoms in just weeks to months.

    Impact on Quality of Life:

    Untreated IBS can significantly affect a person's daily life, causing discomfort, pain, altered bowel habits, and emotional distress. Quality of life may be compromised due to the unpredictability and persistence of symptoms. If this sounds familiar, implementing a nutritional intervention strategy can greatly improve quality of life.

    Exacerbating Factors:

    Without treatment, factors such as stress, dietary triggers, hormonal fluctuations, and certain foods may exacerbate IBS symptoms, making them more severe and frequent. Dysfunction at the brain–gut axis, with alterations in the components of the central and peripheral nervous system and social stress contribute to this disorder. Recent evidence supports the theory that modulation of serotonergic mechanisms significantly impacts the manifestations of IBS. Stress and anxiety contribute to autonomic imbalance.

    Compounding Symptoms:

    Over time, untreated IBS can lead to the compounding of symptoms, potentially causing additional health concerns or aggravating existing ones. For instance, unmanaged stress and anxiety can exacerbate gastrointestinal symptoms.

    Potential for Development of Coping Mechanisms:

    Individuals with untreated IBS may develop coping mechanisms to deal with their symptoms, which may not address the root cause but help manage the immediate discomfort temporarily.

    Delay in Seeking Proper Diagnosis and Treatment:

    Without seeking medical attention, individuals may delay getting a proper diagnosis and tailored treatment plan. This delay can lead to unnecessary suffering and a prolonged period of unmanaged symptoms.

    It's important to note that while IBS is a chronic condition, effective treatment and management strategies are available to alleviate symptoms, improve quality of life, and help individuals lead fulfilling lives. Seeking medical guidance, receiving an accurate diagnosis, and adopting a suitable personalised nutrition plan that may include dietary adjustments, medication, stress management, and lifestyle modifications are crucial steps towards managing IBS effectively and improving long-term outcomes. Early intervention and proactive management can significantly minimise the impact of IBS on daily life.

  • The most effective treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) often involves a multifaceted approach tailored to an individual's specific symptoms, triggers, and overall health.

    Nutritional Management:

    Calm and Repair

    • Chamomile is an antispasmodic, mild sedative (serotonergic) and anti-inflammatory.

    • Peppermint is a smooth muscle relaxant that may reduce cramping and pain with IBS.

    • Fennel inhibits spasms in smooth muscles. Cardamom has been shown to exert anti- spasmodic.

    • Ginger aids digestion and improves motility.

    Bacterial Balance

    • Probiotics reduce the severity and duration of abdominal pain, bloating, improved bowel movements and quality of life scores in just 8 weeks.

    • FOS (Fructooligosaccharides) increase faecal output, moisture, mass, short chain fatty acid content and decrease constipation.


    • Chronic poor digestion has been implicated with IBS. Supplementing with digestive enzymes is usually advisable.

    • Where nervous tension or constipation is suspected, magnesium normalises nerve transmission.

    Numerous other therapeutics, including curcumin, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin D, glutamine, boswelia, slippery elm, marshmallow, licorice, to name but a few, can greatly reduce IBS symptom severity.

    Dietary Modifications:

    • Investigate possible food sensitivities.

    • Stress reduction techniques if relevant.

    • Low FODMAP diet can provide symptomatic relief, but should not be relied upon long term as it eliminates many healthy foods.

    • Restrict tea, coffee, fizzy drinks, alcohol consumption.

    Lifestyle and Behavioral Changes:

    • Stress Management: Techniques such as mindfulness, relaxation exercises, yoga, and counselling can help manage stress, a common trigger for IBS symptoms.

    • Regular Exercise: Incorporating regular physical activity can aid in managing symptoms and promoting overall well-being.

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT):

    CBT can help individuals manage stress, anxiety, and depression related to IBS. It focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviours.

    Alternative Therapies:

    • Acupuncture: Some individuals find relief from IBS symptoms through acupuncture, which involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body.

    • Herbal Remedies: Peppermint oil and certain herbal teas like chamomile and ginger may provide symptom relief.

    Integrated and Holistic Approaches:

    Some individuals find relief through integrated approaches that combine dietary changes, stress management, supplements, and mind-body practices.

    The best treatment for IBS often involves a combination of these strategies, tailored to an individual's unique symptoms and needs. A collaborative approach with a Perth nutritionist involving dietary guidance, stress management, and lifestyle adjustments may be the key to managing IBS effectively and improving one's quality of life.

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome with diarrhoea (IBS-D) requires a specific treatment approach to manage symptoms effectively and improve the individual's quality of life. Here are the most effective treatment strategies for IBS-D:

    Dietary Changes:

    • Low-FODMAP Diet: Reduce fermentable carbohydrates (FODMAPs) such as certain fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy products, which can trigger diarrhoea and other symptoms. Work with a Nutritionist for proper guidance and monitoring.

    • Avoid Trigger Foods: Identify and avoid foods that trigger diarrhoea, such as caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, and artificial sweeteners.

    • Probiotics: certain probiotic strains can help normalise bowel movements.

    • Digestion: Taking digestive enzymes to enhance the breakdown of macronutrients and support their absorption can help.

    • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT can help manage stress and anxiety associated with IBS-D, potentially reducing the severity and frequency of diarrhoea episodes.

    • Stress Management: Techniques like relaxation exercises, yoga, and deep breathing can help manage stress, a common trigger for IBS-D.

    • Regular Exercise: Incorporating physical activity into the routine can aid in managing symptoms and promoting overall well-being.

    • Acupuncture: Some individuals find relief from IBS symptoms, including diarrhoea, through acupuncture treatments.

    • Herbal Remedies: Peppermint oil and certain herbal teas like chamomile may provide symptom relief.

    • Hydration: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, especially during diarrhoea episodes, to prevent dehydration.

    It's essential to consult with a Perth Nutritionist before starting any new treatment or making significant dietary changes. A tailored treatment plan, which may include a combination of dietary modifications, stress management, and lifestyle adjustments, can significantly improve IBS-D symptoms and enhance one's quality of life.